Below you will find a list of rules to keep the safety risk low and the good times going
Paintball Safety Rules
- Field Paint Only
- All markers must be semi-auto only
- All markers must be chronographed under 290 fps
- Paintball masks must be worn at all times while on the playing field and chrono area
- Barrel socks must be used at all times
- Game Play
No blind firing. You must be able to see with your own eyes where your gun is pointed
- No shooting wildlife
- No scaling walls or climbing trees
- No moving bunkers
- No use of any pyrotechnic grenades (smoke, pea grenades, anything by Enola Gaye). Ask staff before using any grenade.
- No shooting in safe areas, out of bounds or in the parking lot
- No physical contact with other players
- Yelling “hit”, “out” or raising your marker in the air means you are eliminated, no matter what
- When you are hit, put the barrel cover over the tip of your barrel and hold the marker up in the air keeping your mask on
- No disassembly of rental markers or other rental equipment
- Do not pick paintballs up off the ground and attempt to shoot them. These paintballs will break inside the markers and jam them
- Players under 13 must have a parent or guarding playing with them
- Warzone reserves the right to refuse entry to any player deemed too young to safely play
The following items are not allowed on the playing field or in staging:
- Real firearms
- BB guns
- Knives (folding knives are ok)
- Alcohol
- Illicit Drugs
Swearing or acting in an inappropriate manner will not be tolerated.
Parents or guardians must sign waivers for any player under 18 years of age.
Airsoft Safety Rules
Safety Gear Requirements
- Full-seal goggles only. No mesh, shop, shooting style or ATV goggles
- Full face protection that covers ears, nose and mouth (paintball style mask) for anyone under 18. No balaclava or shemagh exceptions
- Barrel Socks are required for all weapons when in safe zone
Airsoft Gun Requirements
- AEG (Airsoft Electric Gun): 420 fps w/ .20bb (1.7j) 10’ MED (minimum engagement distance)
- DMR (Designated Marksmans Rifle): 450fps w/ .20bb (1.9j) 50’ MED (minimum engagement distance). Semi-only)
- Sniper Rifle: 480fps w/ .20bb (2.2j) 80’ MED (minimum engagement distance). Bolt Action
- HPA: 343fps w/ .20bb (1.7j) 20’ MED (minimum engagement distance). Max ROF (rate of fire): 20 rps. Tourney lock required
- CO2 guns are allowed if within FPS limit. Pick up empty metal cartridges on the field
Game Play:
- Goggles must be worn at all times while on the playing field and chrono area
- Goggles may only be removed in an area designated as a safe zone
- Full-auto is not allowed in CQB areas
- All magazines must be removed from weapons in safe zone
- Handguns must have their magazine removed and be cleared before leaving the playing area. Handguns must remain in holsters in the locked back position while in safe zones
- No blind firing. You must be able to see with your own eyes where your gun is pointed
- No shooting wildlife
- No scaling walls or climbing trees
- No use of any pyrotechnic grenades (smoke, pea grenades, anything by Enola Gaye). Ask staff before using any grenade.
- No shooting in safe areas, out of bounds or in the parking lot
- No physical contact with other players
- Players under 13 must have a parent or guardian playing with them
- Warzone reserves the right to refuse entry to any player deemed too young to safely play
The following items are not allowed on the playing field or in staging:
- Real firearms
- BB guns
- Knives (folding knives are ok)
- Alcohol
- Illicit Drugs
It is up to the participant to ensure proper face protection. Face protection and/or mouth guards are strongly recommended as there can be close contact on the field. Players who do not wear face protection play at their own risk.
Parents or guardians must sign waivers for any player under 18 years of age.