0900 - Registration Opens
1100 - Game Begins
1230 - Break for Lunch
1345 - Game Resumes
1430 - Defuse Bomb Objective
1600 - Game Ends
( Ends Jan 15th )
Free Patch for first 100 players
(pre-reg first and then day of in order of arrival.
Optional "Reserve Gear" for $15
Free Patch for first 100 players
(pre-reg first and then day of in order of arrival)
0900 - Registration Opens
1100 - Game Begins
1230 - Break for Lunch
1345 - Game Resumes
1430 - Defuse Bomb Objective
1600 - Game Ends
Safety rules - Read WARZONE RULES for field rules
Red respawn areas:
The main spawn is at Ruins
The secondary spawn is at Porkchop DMZ
Yellow respawn areas:
The main spawn is in Vietnam
Secondary spawn is outside House the house near Gerbil
No shooting on primary respawn. Any player found violating this will be eliminated from game play.
Secondary respawns can be destroyed by ripping the flag down. If the spawn is destroyed the team must use their main respawn flag
There are 4 Flag Stations on the field;
Each location is worth 25 points.
In order to take control of a flag, you write your team color and the current time. Whatever team has the objective for the longest time wins the points from that location at the end of the first half of the day.
Scattered across the field are crates, ammo cans and small tool boxes with green tops labeled “Supplies”
Once delivered, these may not be removed from red spawn
Each prop is worth 10 points
After lunch break, a ref will set a time when the bomb is active
Colored ribbon will be used to block off parts of the field not included in the game. Do not enter into these areas.
Do not go closer than 100 ft of enemy main spawns
We are OPEN, learn how we have taken additional steps to keep you safe.
320 Shermantown Rd
Saunderstown, RI 02874
Mon - Fri Appointment Only
Sat - Sun 9:00 am - 4:00 pm